
Blog tagged as Sophos

Integrations - The next evolution in the Spear Shield Portfolio

Integrations - The next evolution in the Spear Shield Portfolio

By Max Harper

Spear Shield cybersecurity risk and mitigation experts - Insight into the latest integrations from our partners Sophos, Microsoft, Egress and KnowBe4.
13.09.23 01:31 PM - Comment(s)
Get your head in the clouds! Public cloud and how to secure it.

Get your head in the clouds! Public cloud and how to secure it.

By Max Harper

Spear Shield cybersecurity risk and mitigation experts - Insight into challenges with securing public cloud environments and how you can solve them.
13.09.23 12:52 PM - Comment(s)
Spear Shield customers to benefit from $1M breach protection warranty

Spear Shield customers to benefit from $1M breach protection warranty

By Max Harper

Spear Shield cybersecurity risk and mitigation experts headquartered in Ipswich, Suffolk - Offers customers $1 million breach protection warranty.
13.09.23 12:25 PM - Comment(s)
Spear Shield named as supplier to help secure the UK Public Sector

Spear Shield named as supplier to help secure the UK Public Sector

By Max Harper

Spear Shield cybersecurity risk and mitigation experts headquartered in Ipswich, Suffolk - Named as a supplier to help secure the UK public Sector.
13.09.23 12:03 PM - Comment(s)
ZTNA - The tech behind the buzzword

ZTNA - The tech behind the buzzword

By Max Harper

Spear Shield cybersecurity risk and mitigation experts headquartered in Ipswich, Suffolk - Guidance on Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA).
13.09.23 11:36 AM - Comment(s)